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Human rights activist Prince Howladar was showered with love from well wishers on his birthday

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

President of Jobani Per Lumanita in Venice, Italy and NTV's Venice representative, Prince Howlader, was showered with flowers and love from family and well-wishers on the occasion of his birthday. He was born on this day in 1993. Wednesday was his 30th birthday. He moved to Italy from his childhood in Bhanga Upazila of Faridpur. After completing his studies, he worked in the world famous band OVS Company.

On the occasion of his birthday, Venice Bangladesh Press Club held a short discussion meeting and exchanged greetings at Marghera Bangla Restaurant in Venice. The President of Venice Bangladesh Press Club, SK MD Zakir Hossain Sumon, Italy Representative of Jamuna TV, General Secretary Banglavision Italy Representative Mohammad Ullah Sohail, Finance Secretary were present. Jummon Anik, Senior Vice President of Press Club Nazmul Hossain, Venice Representative of ATN UK, Joint General Secretary and Italy Representative of RTV Mohammad Aslamuzzaman, Vice President of BanglaTV Venice Representative Sohanur Rahman Ujjal, Vice President of Dainik Prothom Bangladesh Italy Representative Shaikh Ahmed, Publicity Editor, Director of Italian Pravasi Channel Md. Abu Naeem Bhuiyan, Office Secretary Togar Ahmed, Cultural Secretary Tisa Sultana etc.

Meanwhile, on behalf of Mestre Dhaka Biryani House Restaurant, Maksud Rahman, the Italy representative of Time TV, Suman Sarkar, the honorable member of Narsingdi Foundation, Obaidur Rahman Liton, Finance Secretary of Jobani Per Lumanita and many others wished Jamm Din with flower bouquets.

On the other hand, Venice social and humanitarian organization Jobani Per Lumanita also organized a discussion meeting and greetings exchange program. In addition, community leaders, Italians from various professions, local expatriate Bangladeshis sent messages of birthday wishes on Messenger, Emu, Warapp. Prince Howladar and his family Everyone is happy, later the family thanked everyone and wished everyone well and expressed gratitude.

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