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Protest rally of CHT Citizens' Council in Khagrachari


Nurul Kabir Arman,

 Khagrachhari representative:

Protest procession and protest meeting has been held in Chittagong Hill Tracts Citizens Council in Khagrachhari to protest the shooting death of Warrant Officer Habibur Rahman, an army officer in Ruma, Bandarban.

The protest meeting was held at 11 am on Wednesday (February 9) at Shapla Chattar, the heart of Khagrachhari town.

The meeting was presided over by Engineer Abdul Majid, President of the District Branch. Helal, District Committee General Secretary Muhammad Lokman Hossain, District Branch Vice-President Taherul Islam Sohag, Nazrul Islam Masud, Mohi Uddin, Kayes Hossain and others.

 Speakers at the protest rally said that the national flag should be lowered from Santu Larma's car and he should be brought to justice. Punishment should be ensured. Santu Larma was declared unwanted in Khagrachari. Elections for district councils and regional councils also demanded the government to restore army and police camps in the hilly areas.

On February 2, armed terrorists of the JSS (main party) opened fire on an army patrol at Bathi Tripura Para in Ruma upazila of Bandarban. Habibur Rahman, a senior warrant officer of the army, was shot dead and another was injured. Three terrorists were killed when the army fired back in self-defense. The military claims that the slain terrorists are members of the JSS main group.

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