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Fatikchhari speech impaired gift house of Ahiyaus Sunnah Foundation


Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative:

Name Bibi Maryam Parveen (speech impaired). He is a resident of Kala Mia Sarang Bari, Jaftnagar, Fatikchhari Upazila.

He has lived an inhuman life for 22 long years with 4 daughters and 1 son.

However, Parveen's long-cherished dream palace was turned into a reality by the multi-faceted social development organization Ehyaus Sunnah Foundation. The dilapidated house stands today on a high wall.

On Tuesday, (February 6) at noon, the joint secretary of the foundation Maulana Selim Uddin entered the house in the presence of the official inauguration.

He also handed over the Holy Quran to all the members of the family as a gift.

Maulana Raihan Ahmed, a senior official of the company, Usman Mahmud, a computer operator, Jahedullah Quraishi, a journalist and Mohammad Nasir Uddin, president of the Press Club were present among others.

Although Parveen could not arrange the words as a gift, tears welled up in Parveen's eyes and she expressed her gratitude to Maulana Sheikh Shahjahan, Chairman of Ehiyasunnah Foundation.

Maulana Selim Uddin, Joint Secretary, said that the Ehyaus Sunnah Foundation provides sewing machines to improve the living standards of the impoverished women and conducts various activities including construction of tubewells, deep tube wells, mosques and houses for the homeless.

Maulana Selim said that this will continue in the future as well.

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