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Chittagong Metropolitan Ulama Parishad Meeting held

 Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative.

A meeting of Chittagong Metropolitan Ulama Parishad was held at Darul Falah Al-Islamia Madrasa, a traditional religious educational institution in Chittagong Oxygen.

Maulana Zakaria Hasnabadi presided over the meeting held at Maghrib on Sunday (September 18).

Maulana Hafez Mahmudul Kareem, Finance Secretary of the Parishad gave a welcome speech at the meeting which started with recitation of the Holy Quran under the direction of Maulana Ashraf bin Yakub, General Secretary of the Parishad.

Maulana Sarwar Kamal, Hafeez Maulana Kausar, Hafeez Maulana Muzammel, Hafeez Maulana Furkan, Hafeez Maulana Muzammel, Vice President Maulana Yasin and Maulana Samsu among others spoke in the meeting.

In the president's speech, Maulana Zakaria Hasnabad said, this organization is a religious organization, the organization of Ulamaye Deonde. The history of our Akabirs and their heroic contribution should be conveyed to every people through the Metropolitan Ulama Parishad. We must not forget the history of our mentors in this fragile situation; when necessary, we will work according to the advice of the mentors - Insha'Allah.

  Later, the meeting was declared closed with prayers and prayers wishing for the overall welfare of Islam, the country and the nation.

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