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A worshiper was strangled to death in a dispute over the construction of ablutions for a mosque in Badalgashi

Nuruzzaman Liton, Naogaon district representative:

In Badalgachi of Naogaon district, a dispute arose between two worshipers over the construction of a mosque's ablutions. An allegation has been made that one person was strangled to death. The Badalgachi police station has arrested a person named Abdur Rahman.

According to local sources, on August 19, on Friday, after Jumma Namaz in Pukurpara village of Mithapur UP, a discussion started between Akbar and Abdur Rahman of that village regarding the construction of the adjutant for the mosque.

At one point, Abdur Rahman got angry and grabbed Akbar's throat and he died of suffocation.

On receiving the information, Badalgachi police station visited the spot and arrested Abdur Rahman.

Officer-in-charge (OC) Atiyar Rahman of Badalgachi police station said that the discussion started over the construction of the ablution room of the mosque. At one point, Abdur Rahman got angry and strangled Akbar and he died on the spot. Abdur Rahman has been arrested. In this incident, the victim's son became the plaintiff and filed a murder case at Badalgachi police station accusing three people.

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