Jagannath University Career club conducted Orientation programme for the Management Trainee and Trainee Associate.
Shamima Moon, JnU correspondent.
Jagannath University Career Club (JnUCC) conducted orientation program for fresh management trainees and trainee associates. The program provides students with hands-on skills and guidance on future careers.
The program started at 7:30 am and ended at 12:30 pm on Friday (August 19) in Room No. 215 of the Department of Management Studies in the new academic building of the university. The program was held with the spontaneous participation of about half a hundred students.
Chief Moderator of Jagannath University Career Club, Chairman of Management Studies Department Prof. Dr. Mohiuddin He said, something new should be created by combining the new and the old. He also said that instead of just being immersed in career, we have to add two elements called humanity and culture to it, if we want to reflect more on them, seminars or workshops can be conducted by connecting the two in "career" and "humanity".
The entire program was conducted by executive members, Rifat Tasnia Anika and Gazi Ashfiq.
Five people were awarded for their participation in the program after the “Study in Abroad” session at the event.
The orientation program is completed with various cultural programs with spontaneous participation of the fresh management trainees, trainee associates, presidential panel, governing body and executive panel.
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