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Customer rally and Iftar Mahfil of Principal Group held in Dhaka.

Md. Al Amin Special Representative.

Principal Group's "Customer Assembly and Iftar Mahfil-2025" was held. Customer gathering and Iftar Mahfil were held at Khilkhet Basabo Community Center in the capital on Saturday (15 March) afternoon.

The bright star of Madina Jamaat Maulana Muhamaddis Mo. International Islamic thinker and prominent media personality Alhaj Hazrat Mao was present as the chief guest of Iftar and Dua Mahfil in Sharif Ullah, R. Qari Habib Ullah Belali.

In the speech of the chief guest, well-wisher of Madina Jamaat, Maulana Belali said, business through honesty can be achieved by people's love and Allah's satisfaction. Distinguished Scholar Deen Pir Kamel Alhaj Hazrat Maulana Mohaddis Shah Abu Nachar Md. Saifur Rahman Khandkar was present as a special guest of the program. Peer Saheb Madina Jamat Kamalla Darbar Sharif Muradnagar Comilla. Company managing director Kazi Mo was present as the chief discussor in the program. Obaid Ullah.

With special guests and speakers at the program, we expect that the Principal Group will move forward as the country's top business organization through progress with reputation. And we hopeful principal group will play a role in the welfare of the country and the people.

Professor Dr. Chairman of Principal Group Professor Dr. Chairman of Dhaka University Department of Organization Statgy and Leadership Department presided over the program chaired by AKM Fazlul Haque. Muhammad Shariyat Ullah, Colonel Mo. Musharraf Hossain, Honorable Khalifa Alhaj Hazrat Maulana Principal of Madina Jamaat Dr. Bodiul Alam Sarkar Dhaka, including numerous scholars-Ulama Hafez Qari were present at the time. And at last the special monajat was conducted wishing for the progress and prosperity of the principal group and wishing for the soul of Hazrat Pir Saheb Huzur (R) Ruh, the Chief Advisor of the Principal Group, Madinar Jamat Kamalla.

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