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Jagannath University Career Club Announces "Uplift Your Career Season 3" with ABDUL KADER JILANI as Key Speaker

JnU Correspondent. Shariar Emon

Jagannath University Career Club is gearing up for its highly anticipated event, "Uplift Your Career Season 3," and it promises to be an enlightening experience for undergrad students. This year's event boasts a remarkable keynote speaker, Abdul Kader Jilani (Head of People, Learning & Corporate Affairs Grameen Danone Foods Limited) , who will take center stage to share his insights and expertise in a session entitled "Your First Interview." Attendees will have the opportunity to network, pick up new skills, and develop their confidence during the workshop as well how they can face the interview with full of their confidence. The goal of "Your First Interview" is to provide people with the skills and information they need to ace their first job interview and launch a lucrative career.

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