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Call for boat voting on January 7 to continue development: Faria Ankhi

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina urged to vote with the boat symbol to ensure the overall development of the country and to continue the development activities implemented by the current government.

On behalf of Italian Awami League president Muktijoddha Mahtab Hossain and general secretary Md Alamgir Hossain, he called on the twelfth parliament election to be held on January 7, 2024, to give the Awami League an opportunity to serve you by voting for the boat brand in that election.

At the same time, he drew the attention of the Prime Minister and said: In order to strengthen the hands of national leader Sheikh Hasina in building a smart Bangladesh of the future, the honorable leader is very dear to the honorable leader, the founding organizing secretary of the All European Awami League and the founding convener of the Italian Awami politics is an efficient organizer and respected by NRB Islamic Life Insurance Company Limited. Chairman GM Kibria collects the nomination form to be nominated candidate of Boat in Barisal-3 (Muladi-Babuganj) Constituency in the upcoming 12th National Assembly Elections. Thank our Italian expats and Italian Awami family with gifts.

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