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Popular Bengali film 'Hawa' screened in Rome, Italy

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

The popular Bengali film 'Hawa' was screened for two days in Rome, the capital of Italy. The presence of the audience was noticeable.

Not only in Italy, the movie has also been screened in European countries such as Portugal, Finland, Spain and Malta. Besides, it will be shown in Sweden and Denmark on the 29th of this month.

Recently the popular actor of Hawa movie Chanchal Chowdhury gave this message from his verified Facebook ID.

It is known that such Bengali movies are being shown in Europe to familiarize the expatriate Bangladeshis living in Europe and the new generation growing up here with Bengali cinema and to give an idea about Bengali culture.

And the expatriates living in these countries also appeared with their families in the designated cinema halls to watch Bengali movies abroad.

Meanwhile, the movie was screened on 15th and 17th of October at the cinema "Boardway" in Rome, the capital of Italy. Hundreds of expatriate Bangladeshis came to watch Hawa movie in the hall on both days.

Amir Hossain, the organizer of the movie shown in Rome, said, "Those who live abroad are deprived of watching new Bengali movies. Can't go to the hall and watch our domestic movies. That's why I thought of screening the popular Bengali movie Hawa this year. I have arranged that he can watch Bengali movies even sitting here.

Rony Hossain, a viewer, said, "The popular song 'Sadasada Kalakala' from the movie Hawa has captured our hearts. Besides, Chanchal Chowdhury's perfect performance was amazing. All in all, I enjoyed a wonderful movie.

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