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In Italy, Diwali Kali Puja is completed with enthusiasm

Minhaj Hossain Italy Bureau Chief:

Diwali Kali Puja festival is celebrated in the month of Kartik in the month of Kartik, like every year. Homes of Hindu communities throughout Italy are illuminated with lamps and lights. For them, Diwali is an important festival with decoration of houses with lamps and candles, fireworks, sweets, distribution of gifts and religious prayers.

On Monday (October 24) night, the presence of devotees in the two temples separately organized by the Aum Hindu International Social and Culture Association and the Hindu Puja Celebration Parishad in the capital Rome was remarkable.

Many people sacrifice pigeons and pigeons to fulfill their desires. Shyama Puja and Diwali are one of the traditional religious festivals with religious solemnity and worship. Devotees are worshiping at various temples in Italy, believing that Kali Purja is Shakti Purja. The greatness of Kali Puja lies in the victory of good forces by defeating all evil forces in the world.

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