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Sandwip Pravasi Kalyan Trust held its grand debut in Italy


Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

 Sandwip Expatriate Welfare Trust Italy, a social organization made up of Sandwip residents living in Italy in the service of humanity, was launched in a grand manner. The event was a colorful meeting of the community in the presence of a large number of community leaders in addition to the lively presence of Sandwip expatriates in the auditorium of the local hall in the capital Rome on Tuesday. Turns into a fair.

Under the chairmanship of Mahbubul Mawla Nasir, the president of the organization and the general secretary, Md. Mozammel Hossain, in the spirit of conducting, the newly elected committee, with the aim of contributing to the voluntary activities of the organization, gave a directive speech to move forward in social activities. Mia, Sandeep Pravasi Kalyan Trust Italy advisor Master Mofizur Rahman, Haramia Union Jankalyan Samiti their advisor Belayat Munshi, Gachua Union Jankalyan Samiti Tale president Shahidul Islam, former general secretary of Svandip Samiti Ital Chaber Mohammad, Greater Chittagong Samiti their president Mahbubul Alam, chief advisor Maulana Ruhul Apart from Amin, Bangladesh Association Venice Organizing Secretary Delwar Hossain, Managing Director of Popular Travels Shahadat Hossain Saju, prominent businessman Parvez Shahi Shahin, Senior Vice President of the organization Nurul Akhtar Jahangir, Organizing Secretary Md Akhtar Hossain along with Regional Sama of Rome. The top leaders of the JIC organization.

The leaders in their speech praised the activities of the newly formed Italy Sandeep Expatriate Welfare Trust and thanked the concerned. And hopes to play an important role in all social activities with expatriate Sandip residents in the Bangladeshi community.

At the end, the names of the newly formed partial committee were announced as president, Mahabubul Mawla Nashir, senior vice president Nurul Akhtar Jahangir,

General Secretary, Md. Mozammel Hossain, Assistant General Secretary, Helal Uddin, Organizing Secretary Md. Aktar Hossain, Treasurer Moazzem Hossain, Executive Members: Mobarak Hossain, Zafar Islam, Abul Kalam Azad, Zahirul Islam Shipon, Kamrul Hasan, Monir Hossain Javed. , Khairul Islam, Adviser:

Md. Samchul Kabir, Siddique Mia, Master Mofizur Rahman, Belayt Munsi, Shahidul Islam, Chaber Muhammad Jamal were elected. And it is said that the full committee will be formed soon.

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