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Joyful procession and distribution of sweets on finding Kazi Zafar-ullah boat in Faridpur

Md. Sakhawat Hossain,Faridpur District Representative::

Bangladesh Awami-League presidium member Kazi Zafar-Ullah got the boat symbolic nomination from Faridpur-4 constituency in the 12th National Assembly election and distributed sweets in Bhanga of Faridpur.

On Sunday (October 26) afternoon, Bhanga circled the main road of the upazila from College Par. After the broken official k. M. Sweets are distributed in the college grounds.

participated in the procession,

Joint General Secretary of Upazila Awami League Sharifuzzaman Sharif, Former General Secretary of Algi Union A'League Touhidur Rahman Bulbul, General Secretary of Bhanga Paur A'League Shahidul Islam Miru Munsi, Central A'League leader Farooq Hossain.

In addition, upazila A-League general secretary Akramuzzaman Raja, Krishak League leader Liton Mia, A-League leader of Kaulibera upazila Wahiduzzaman, Sudarshan Chakraborty of Algi Union, Md. Leaders of Chhatra League, Jubo League along with Hasan, Abhi participated in it.

The procession circumambulated the main main road of the upazila.

After the broken official k. M. Sweets are distributed in the college grounds.

Sources also said that a huge joyous procession was also held in Kazi Zafarullah's own area under the leadership of Kaulibera Union Chairman Dudu Mia.

On the other hand, it is also known from sources that several leaders have joined hands with Kazi Zafarullah.

They are former Zilla Parishad Panel Chairman Sheikh Shahin, Municipal Awami League Organizing Secretary Abdur Razzak Fakir, Hamirdi Union Former Chairman Farooq Hossain, Manikdah Union Former Chairman Abu Saeed.

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