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PBA Nate Rasool (PBUH) and Monthly Milad Mahfil organized by Madinah Jamaat Maldives branch.

 Md. Al Amin Maldives Representative,

Islah and self-reformation, completely non-political, bipartisan organization initiated by Jamaat Maldives Branch of Madina,

With religious solemnity, the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) service and monthly, milad and doa mahfils are held.

Yesterday (November 26) every Sunday, Baad Esha held a Mahfil and Doa ceremony in Male, the capital of the Maldives.

The prayer ceremony was conducted by Md. Al Amin, founding convenor and expatriate journalist of Madina's Jamaat Maldivian branch, and presided over by Md. Abul Hossain Musalli.

Expatriate Imam and Khatib Md. Tajul Islam, former president of Madinah Jamaat Maldives branch, was present as the main speaker in the said discussion and prayer meeting.

Hafez Md Zakir Hussain recited the Holy Qalamepak in a beautiful voice at the beginning of the Mahfil. In the Mahfil, the command of Allah, following the Messenger (PBUH), and for the peace of the world and the liberation of the Hereafter, presented a discussion in the light of the Qur'an and Hadith, the strong voice of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, Maulana Md. Mohsin Khan, and Maulana Md. Shafiqul Islam, Qari Md. Shah Alam. PBA Nate Rasool (pbuh) and Islamic music was performed by expatriate music artist Md. Zahid Hasan in a mesmerizing and melodious voice. At the end of the ceremony, Mao Md Tajul Islam conducted an emotional prayer for the welfare of the souls of all the grave residents, for the health of all the sick expatriates, for the protection of all those present from Bala Masibat, for the Muslims of Palestine, the countrymen and all the expatriates.

Md. Chiddikur Rahman and Md. Babul Hossain, Md. Nazmul Hasan, Md. Jane Alam Sunni, Md. Helal, RF Monir and many other expatriates were also present in the ceremony. Finally, by thanking all who came to the mahfil, and serving Tabaruk, the end of the mahfil was announced.

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