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Joint meeting to free the landless and homeless in Pirganj

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

A joint meeting was held to declare Pirganj Upazila of Thakurgaon landless and homeless. The meeting was held in the Upazila Parishad meeting room under the Asrayan-2 project on Monday afternoon.

Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Suleiman Ali, Upazila Chairman Alhaj¦ Akhtarul Islam, Municipal Mayor Birmuktijoddha Ikramul Haque, Upazila Awami League General Secretary Rezwanul Haque Biplab, Pirganj Press Club President Zainal Abedin Babul, UP Chairman Hitler spoke at the meeting presided over by Upazila Executive Officer Shahriar Nazir. Haque, Sahid Hossain, Sanatan Chandra Roy and Saidur Rahman, Sambar official Ahmed Hossain, journalist Mokaddes Hayat Milan, AH Liton etc. The meeting was attended by UP chairman, government officials, journalists and representatives of various professions. A unanimous decision was taken to declare the upazila landless and homeless free by constructing and allocating 1,856 houses for the landless and homeless in the upazila.


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