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Islamic student society in Cox's Bazar Hafez Abul Manzoor in the representative meeting ♦The aroma of the great hero's ideals should be spread everywhere

Nurul Kabir Arman,Special Representative.

Central Senior Vice-President of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Samaj Hafeez Muhammad Abul Manjur said that on an auspicious day in 1389 Hijri, Islami Chhatra Samaj was founded with the great conviction to guide the youth to the path of Allah. This traditional religious student organization built by Akabire Deoband has stepped forward by adopting a Tehreek policy at the dawn of 15th Hijri, shaking off all the gloom and failures of the past. The aroma of the ideals of the Holy Prophet should be spread through the invitational activities of this caravan of believers in the remote areas.

He said the above in the chief guest's speech at the emergency representative meeting of Cox's Bazar district branch of Bad Ashar Islami Chhatra Samaj on Friday (October 21).

In the lively representative meeting held in a restaurant, he also said that the Islamic student society has unique characteristics, transparent perspective, and constructive work ethic. It is not the aim of this organization to support any particular political party without any aim and driven by emotions. Our main task is to avoid the traditional way of creating thousands of chaotic and irresponsible ambitious workers and to develop selected students into ideal human beings who are very attentive to their studies and have faith in them through training. For this far-reaching goal, the leaders and activists of the Islamic student society should continue their continuous efforts with piety, devotion, ideological knowledge and skills.

Cox's Bazar district president of the organization Hafez Shawkat Ali presided over the meeting, district vice president Muhammad Abdul Hamid gave a welcome speech. Among others, District General Secretary Muhammad Didarul Alam, Joint General Secretary Zainul Abedin, Organizing Secretary Muhammad Ataullah, Ramu Upazila Nezame Islam Party Youth Affairs Secretary Shafiqul Islam, Ramu Upazila Islami Chhatra Samaj President Muhammad Abdul Karim, General Secretary Muhammad Ali Ullah Arzu spoke. , Ukhia Upazila Representative Muhammad Saeed Hossain, Qaumi Madrasa Representative Hafez Rafiqul Islam, College Unit Representative Mim Khubaib, Osman Gani, Alia Madrasa Representative Hafez Delwar Hossain, Fatekhankul Union President under Ramu Upazila Hafez Zainal Abedin, School Representative Muhammad Nabi Hossain, South Mithachari Union Representative Muhammad Abdullah Hossaini, Gorznia Union Representative Muhammad Idris, Jowarianala Union Representative Muhammad Nurul Abshar, Rajarkul Union Representative Sirajul Mostafa, Khunia Palang Union Representative Muhammad Osman, Rashidnagar Union Representative Hafez Muhammad Zubair, Ibtedayi Madrasa Representative Muhammad Osama etc.

Chakaria upazila representative Riyad Uddin, Maheshkhali upazila representative Hasanul Banna, Kutubdia upazila representative Muhammad Ismail, Teknaf upazila representative Nurul Hasan also joined online and submitted their opinions.

At the end of the meeting, a special prayer was offered to Allah for the release of the former central president of the organization, Maulana Muhammad Azizul Haque Islamabadi, the full recovery of the retired leader of Nezam Islam Party, Maulana Hafez Salamatullah, and the peace and prosperity of the country and nation.

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