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Parents meeting to improve the quality of education system of Madani School and College

 Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

 In order to educate the generations growing up in Italy with quality and good education and to improve the quality of education of the students studying in the school, the Management Board of Madani School and College, established and well known in Rome, organized a special meeting with the parents.

School teacher Atsi Ram was the chief guest of the school chairman Md Ikram Faraji CEP.

In the first part of the exchange meeting, the newly appointed principal of the school, Asfa Chowdhury, presented the future plans of the school with the students in his welcome speech. During this time, the teachers presented their respective introductions, along with the annual report of the students studying in different classes.

The parents gave various suggestions to improve the quality of the school in the meeting. At the same time, it also suggests the inclusion of manual technical education system in the syllabus of the students at present.

In the meeting organized under the management of Madani School and College Director General Sheikh Shakeel, teachers, students and parents were present in the school's management council director barrister M Kamal Hossain, vice principal Rekha Sunandil, admin director Krishant Gunarath.

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