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In Italy's election campaign MP and Senate aspirants interact with expatriates in Santoselle

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

The mood of the Bangladeshi elections is now in Italy ahead of the upcoming Italian parliamentary elections on September 25. And in continuation of that, in Centoselle, a Bengali-dominated area of ​​capital Rome, the MP and Senate candidates supported by pro-migrant political party Partito di Democrático (PD) organized an exchange meeting with the local expatriates living in Centoselle.

On Saturday evening at the party office of the PD, in the exchange meeting organized by the management of Oikya Parishad in Santoselle, the MP candidate for the 5th and 6th area of ​​Rome Municipality, Rosella Muroni, Andrea Kaso and the Senate candidate Andrea Katarchi, the president of Bangladesh Immigrants Association Bimas Dr. Muktar Hossain Mark, Former Councilor Haji Noore Alam, Bangladesh Association Italy General Secretary Abul Kalam Simon, Senior Joint General Secretary Mozammel Hossain Molla, Centoselle Oikya Parishad Italy President Israfil Bari, General Secretary Sumon Islam, Centoselle Adarsh ​​Vidya Niketan founder Golam Mostafa including expatriates in Italy. Top leaders of Bengali community were present.

The candidates said in the meeting, we will work keeping in mind all the advantages and disadvantages of the foreigners in the future as in the past. If we win this election, we will work on important issues, especially citizenship. Among them, we will try to provide opportunities for foreigners to easily work in government and private institutions and we will also try to provide free education to improve the quality of education of the growing generations. At this time, they asked for prayers, votes and cooperation from everyone regardless of caste, religion and party.

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