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The teachings of Ramadan should be used to build an ideal society - Mufti Rabiul Islam Shamim


Nurul Kabir Arman,

Special Representative>

Khagrachhari Qawmi Madrasa and Ulama Oikya Parishad Manikchhari Upazila Branch has organized Iftar and Doa Mahfil in honor of Ulama Kerams on the occasion of Holy Ramadan.

An Iftar and Doa Mahfil was held at Tintahari Mohius Sunnah Madrasa on Saturday (April 30).

District General Secretary Maulana Mufti Rabiul Islam Shamim was present as the chief guest and District Organizing Secretary Hafeez Qari Muhammad Nasir Uddin was present as the special guest.

In the pre-iftar discussion, Maulana Mufti Rabiul Islam Shamim said that the holy month of Ramadan is a month of mercy, blessings and forgiveness. Fasting is a great blessing for us from Allah Almighty. He made fasting in Ramadan obligatory on us to achieve taqwa. In the holy month of Ramadan, I have tried to avoid all kinds of obscenities and sins by obeying Allah's command. We need to use the teachings of Ramadan to build an ideal society. Then fasting in Ramadan will be successful.

Maulana Farid Ahmed, senior vice-president of the upazila branch, Maulana Ismail, Maulana Wahedul Islam, secretary Ibrahim Khalil Al Faridi, teachers of Tintahari Mohius Sunnah Madrasa Maulana Anwar, Maulana Abul Qasim, Maulana Imams-Khatibs, Alems-Ulamas and dignitaries of the mosque were present.

Maulana Noor Mohammad, advisor of the council, conducted special munajat for the overall welfare of the country, nation and Islam.

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