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Serious and religious in Italy Beanibazar Social Welfare Society held prayers and iftar


Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

 Beanibazar Samaj Kalyan Samiti Italy, a traditional organization of Sylhet, has organized a colorful Iftar and Doa Mahfil in the midst of solemn atmosphere and religious fervor.

President of the organization Md. Iqbal Hossain and General Secretary Sarwar Hossain, senior leaders of various local political, social, regional and business organizations were also present at the prayer and iftar mahfil organized at Tarpinattara Muslim Center Mosque in Rome on Sunday.

The leaders said that this traditional social organization of Beanibazar is working for the cause of unity, education, service and culture.

Before the Iftar, the Imam of the mosque Maulana Jasim Uddin offered a special prayer and munajat wishing peace and longevity to all the people living in the country and abroad and peace to the souls of all the believing Muslims in the hereafter.

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