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Open House Day and Ifter of Mohafil at Khetlal Thana held


Special Correspondent , Moshiur Rahman,Joypurhat


Today 30 April,2022  the Open House Day and 

iftar Mohafil of Khetlal police Station has been held by presiding over the officer in Charge (OC) of Khetlal. Superintendent of police (SP), Mr Masum Ahmed Vuiya  was the chief guest. Moreover The additional SP , UNO , The Chairman of Upazilla , Mr Mostakim Mondal journalists of print media and others prominent figures of Khetlal were present.The main purpose of this function is to know the problems of law and order situation of area and ensure the service from the police. The Superintendent of police has committed to ensure the service of police for the common people.I have also delivered my opinions as the District Correspondent of the Evening News and the Daily Present Times ( both are the Most  Wide Circulated English National daily in Bangladesh) . Upzilla Correspondent of The Daink Vorer Kagaj ,Mr Akhtaruzzaman Talukdar has delivered his views.

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