People's Commission is making efforts against the nation and Islam: Allama Muhibullah Babungari
Nurul Kabir Arman,
Special Representative:
A list of 118 Waizins (religious speakers) has been submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) alleging militant financing and destroying communal harmony in the country. Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh has strongly condemned and protested the incident.
Hefazat Amir Allama Muhibbullah Babungari said in a statement sent to media today (May 12) that "we have come to know about the allegations made by the so-called mass commission consisting of Ghadanik today." This groundbreaking organization, as always, has exposed its anti-Islamic face to the nation. The fact that their white paper is completely baseless, fabricated and full of false information is as clear as daylight in front of the entire country.
Hefazat Amir said that Shahbagi has been trying to destroy the communal harmony of the country in various ways since its inception. Lastly, they have shown extreme audacity by publishing this list of eminent ulama-mashayekhs and Islamic commentators. We strongly condemn and protest against this.
He said that the officials of the so-called people's commission have lost their credibility by making baseless and baseless allegations in the name of patriotic Islamic negotiators. They have turned themselves into the objects of extreme ridicule in front of the nation by uttering these words which are devoid of reality.
Amir Hefazat expressed deep concern and said that there is a danger of creating extreme unrest in the country due to these fabricated statements. Therefore, those who are doing these provocative activities, the government should resist them with a strong hand.
He further said that Waz mahfil is the best means of peace and prosperity and formation of ideal society and social reform. Through this man is guided for the welfare of this world and the hereafter. People are kept away from all the injustices, injustices and mistakes of the society. Islamic commentators seek multifaceted sacrifices to bring the pure message of religion to the doorsteps of the people.
Hefazat Amir said that today the so-called people's commission has hatched a deep conspiracy to harm this work which is absolutely beneficial for the country and the nation. By filing this false accusation with the ACC, they are making an attempt against the nation, society and Islam. Today they are conspiring to make the scholars and ulama face the government.
Amir Hefazat issued a stern warning that if the government does not crack down on the so-called land grabbing group now, then Islam-loving people will be forced to launch a tough movement.
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