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Immigration and Legal Aid Center CSN Family Reunion and Iftar Mahfil Evening


Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

 এস Immigration and Legal: Help Center CSN Bangla has organized CSN Family Reunion and Iftar Mahfil evening in honor of the fasting people and businessmen of all branches of CSN.

Palash Hawlader, Head of CSN Bangla, Sarfaraz Din, Marketing Director, Abdullah Al Kafi, Rome Head Office Officials and local businessmen.

Palash Haldar, the head of the organization, said in a brief discussion that the way CSN has been working to establish legal rights for expatriates including Bangladeshis living abroad through the CF sector, their service welfare and legal advice to a large number of people will continue in the future.

Before Iftar, Hafiz Afzal Hossain, Imam of TMC Mosque, offered a special prayer and munajat, wishing peace and longevity to all those living in the country and abroad and peace to the souls of all believing Muslims in the hereafter.

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