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Reception of Farewell Councilor Erfanul Haque to Italian Welfare Association Greater Sylhet


Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:

 The Farewell Councilor of the Bangladesh Embassy in Italy, Erfanul Haque, was given a flower reception by the Jalalabad Welfare Association, the oldest organization in the greater Greater Sylhet.

After Iftar local time on Tuesday, Gazipur District Social Welfare Association organized a function in Jalalabad Welfare Association Greater Sylhet Italy as a guest and gave a reception to the outgoing councilor Erfanul Haque with flowers.

In a brief discussion, the outgoing councilor Erfanul Haque said, "I have always tried from my position to benefit the expatriates as much as possible. I don't know how much I have been able to do, but I have tried my best."

On the occasion, the leaders of Jalalabad Welfare Association highlighted various aspects of the working life of the outgoing councilor Erfanul Haque and highly praised his hard work and honesty.

At the end, Erfanul Haque was greeted with crest and flowers by various organizations including Jalalabad Welfare Association Italy.

The event was attended by community leaders, well-wishers, businessmen, leaders of various political and regional organizations, officials and employees of different levels of the embassy and a large number of expatriates.

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