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Islamic Writers Forum Council Concluded: President Munirul Islam, General Secretary Amin Iqbal

 Nurul Kabir Arman, Special Representative:

 The Executive Committee of the 2021-23 Session of the Bangladesh Islamic Writers Forum has been formed. Poet Munirul Islam has been elected president without contest. He has previously served as the General Secretary for two sessions.

Amin Iqbal has been elected general secretary. He has also served as the organizational secretary of the previous two sessions. Besides, Emdadul Haque Tasnim has been elected as the finance secretary.

The organization's fifth council and general meeting on Friday (October 29) formed a new committee by secret ballot. More than two hundred writers from all over the country participated in the event at the Kachi-Kacha auditorium in the capital's Segunbagicha. Prominent writer and linguist Ayub bin Moin acted as the Chief Election Commissioner.

Although the main seats were won unopposed, three more positions were contested. Shamsuddin Saadi has been elected as the organizational secretary, Saad Abdullah Mamun as the industry and literature secretary and Mizanur Rahman Jamil as the training secretary.

Other members of the committee are Vice President Muhammad Abdul Mumin and Rokon Ryan. Joint General Secretaries Ataur Rahman Khasru and Ziaul Ashraf. Co-organizing secretaries Abul Kalam Anshari and Sayeed Usman. Ubaidul Haque Khan as Assistant Secretary, Mohammad Tasnim as Information Technology Secretary, Naqib Mahmud as Research Secretary, Mainuddin Khan Tanvir as International Secretary, Reza Hasan as Publication Secretary, Omar Farooq Majumder as Law and Social Welfare Secretary, Hasan Al Mahmood as Publicity Secretary and Daftar and Habibullah Siraj has been elected as the Library Secretary. Besides, the posts of members of the executive committee will be filled in the first meeting.

At the beginning of the program, the outgoing president of the forum Zahir Uddin Babar dissolved the old committee.

Prominent writer and journalist Maulana Liaquat Ali, writer and translator Muhammad Zainul Abidin, writer-negotiator Sharif Muhammad, editor of monthly Adarsh ​​Nari Abul Hasan Shamsabadi, writer Jubayer Ahmad Ashraf, Professor of Urdu Department of Dhaka University Dr. Ghulam Rabbani, eminent Da'i Shaykh Ahmadullah, writer and commentator Habibur Rahman Misbah, Alem Musleh Uddin Gaharpuri, Hour Islam Editor Humayun Ayub, Masudul Qadir, Muhammad Faizullah, Hafez Kari Nesar Ahmad An-Nasiri Gazi Sanaullah.

By the way, Bangladesh Islamic Writers Forum is a united platform of young writers of Islamic style. The organization officially started its journey on February 8, 2013.

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