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Death of Tauhidul Alam, a veteran teacher of Jamia Babunagar


 Nurul Kabir Arman, Special Representative

Master Tauhidul Alam Shahnagari (55), a veteran teacher of Jamia Islamia Azizul Uloom Babunagar, a traditional religious educational institution in Fatikchhari, has passed away at the age of 55.

Today (October 30) at 8 am on Saturday, Chamek died at the hospital.

 He is survived by his wife, 1 son, 3 daughters and many others. At the time of his death, a shadow of mourning descended on the area.

Funeral prayers are scheduled to be held at Shahnagar Dighirpar Adalatkhan Bari ground at 3 pm today.

Meanwhile, Muhtamim Allama Muhibullah Babungari and Director of Education Maulana Muhaddis Shafi of Babungar Madrasa on his death

Expresses deep grief and condolences to the bereaved family.

 He forgave his mistakes and prayed to Allah Almighty for the high place of Paradise.

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