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DXN Dream World, Marketing Training Workshop held in Maldives to welcome Mahe Ramadan.

 Md. Al Amin Maldives representative.

DXN Direct Selling International Network Marketing Business Expansion

A celebration workshop program was held last Friday, March 8th at eleven o'clock in the night at Bini Cafe, Capital Mall.

The program (SA) was moderated by Mohammad Didarul Alam Bhuiyan and businessman Md Nazrul Islam presided. Md. Hadiul Islam, director of 4L International Pvt. Ltd., was present as the chief guest in the event. Businessman Saiful Islam Sumon (SD), Md. was present as a special guest. Ariful Islam, Kazi Md. Mokles Md. Jabed Hossain Zeeshan, Shahadat Hossain Sheikh Alam Jewel Mabiya Khatun, Leader Md. Parvez Khan Md. Faisal Md. Akbar Hossain Md. Anwar Hossain Raju, Md. Masud Rana and Sheikh Alam Jewel Mosammad Shahinur Aktar and others.

Through the popular electronic and print media of Bangladesh, Bangladeshi journalists living in the diaspora are constantly working to present the objective and informative news of the country and the diaspora as well as to bring it closer to the public in a quick time. As a result, three journalists on behalf of the DXN Maldives team were given an incentive award by the organizing committee to boost their enthusiasm for playing an important role in social media and digital platforms. On behalf of the organizing committee, businessman Saiful Islam Sumon (SD) congratulated all those present on behalf of the DXN Maldives team and said that besides his work abroad, DXN took care of his body to choose DXN Direct International Network Marketing as a part-time business with a part-time job. Invited everyone present to judge the quality of the company by using the product.

Finally, the program ended with a dinner thanking everyone who came to the event.

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