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Allegation of accepting bribe against upazila chairman's personal assistant in the name of providing shelter project house in Pirganj

 Thakurgaon District Representative:

In Pirganj of Thakurgaon, an allegation has been made against a person named Shantu, a private assistant of Upazila Chairman Alhaj¦ Aktarul Islam, who has accepted bribes in the name of getting a house for the government shelter project. An allegation of assaulting a woman has also been found against Shantu when she did not get a house even with money. A victim named Ayesha Begum submitted a written complaint to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer on the afternoon of March 11 demanding Shantu's justice in this incident.

According to the complaint, Shantu is the son of Bishu Mohammad of Narayanpur village of Pirganj upazila

12 thousand taka from Ayesha Begum, wife of Mubarak Ali of Jagtha (Hattpara village) of Jagtha town (Hattpara village), about 11 thousand 500 taka from Ayesha's sister Hanufa, about two years ago for getting a house under the government shelter project by introducing herself as a personal assistant of the upazila chairman. 11,500 rupees from Jahanara and 5,000 rupees from her daughter Munni Akhtar. But even after two years of taking the money, Shantu did not get the money. After getting the house and asking him to return the money, he kept delaying. On the morning of March 6, when she asked Shantu for money, Ayesha was verbally abused and Char slapped her. Shantu also threatened to kill the woman and disappear the body if she asks for money from Shantu or any member of her family in the future. After being assaulted, the woman was admitted to the upazila health center and recovered after receiving treatment and lodged a complaint with the upazila executive officer.

It is alleged that Shantu embezzled a lot of money by pretending to be a private assistant of Pirganj upazila chairman and sometimes as a senior officer to do various jobs to many people.

Denying the allegation of assault, Shantu said that the woman gave him 2000 rupees for having tea to do the work. I returned the money as it did not work. Allegations of assaulting or abusing or threatening someone and accepting bribes in the name of doing work to various people are not true.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer Ramiz Alam said that a complaint has been received against Shantu. Action will be taken after investigation.

Upazila Chairman Alhaj¦ Aktarul Islam said, "Shantu is not my personal assistant. He used to work in my office. I fired him from the office after receiving the complaint. I also want him to be judged."

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