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Anti-national conspiracies and inactions of BNP-Jamaat clique will be dealt with sternly: Alamgir

Colleagues and friends, Assalamualaikum, Mujibiya greetings to all, you are already aware of our dear leader Bangladesh Awamiag President Bangabandhu daughter Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Food AND Agricultural Organization -

(FAO) will arrive in Rome, Italy on July 23, 2023 to attend the international event. With the aim of destroying the nation, Sheikh Hasina, united under the leadership of Awami League, has changed the fate of Bengalis by sitting in London and engaging in anti-national propaganda and conspiracy under the orders of Tariq Rahman, who was sentenced in the country's court. Made the country from less developed to developing country.

The patriotic diaspora people and the Italian Awami League will unite and resist all the conspiracies against the country. Italian Awami League is also taking various steps. Awami League leaders and workers will stand by the people if sabotage is done on the streets.

Md. Alamgir Hossain

General Secretary, Italian Awami League.

Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu,

May leader Sheikh Hasina win.

Victory to the Italian Awami League.

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