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Protest march and human chain in Joypurhat demanding punishment for the murderers of journalist Nadeem

Jaipurhat District Correspondent:

Various journalist organizations of the district held a protest march, human chain and protest meeting in Joypurhat to protest the killing of Ekatar TV and Bangla News journalist Gholam Rabbani Nadeem of Jamalpur due to publication of the news.

On Saturday (June 17) at noon, the protest procession came out from the zero point Pachur junction of the city and circled the various roads of the city and ended at the same place where a human chain and protest meeting was held.

President of Joypurhat Journalist Union Rafiqul Islam Rafiq, General Secretary Rasheduzzaman, District Television Reporters Club President Momen Muni, Press Club Joypurhat President Golam Mostafa, General Secretary Rezaul Karim Reza, Journalist Union President Shekhar Majumdar, Education Affairs Editor of Joypurhat Model Press Club Daily spoke. Khan Moshiur Rahman, district representative of Inkilab and The Daily Evening News, president of Journalist Oikya Forum Joypurhat district branch, Sohail Ahmed Leo,

Machranga television correspondent Al Mamun and many other journalist leaders.

More than hundred journalists of print and electronic media of district and upazila level participated in this program.

At this time, the speakers said, while performing professional duties, they are often attacked now. But there is no trial for him. Journalist Nadeem of Jamalpur was killed today due to non-trial of attack on journalists. Therefore, the involvement of journalist Nadik in the murder should be brought under the law and speedy punishment should be ensured. Otherwise more drastic action will be called.

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