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Audition of National Hifzul Quran Competition-23 conducted by Dini Seva Foundation in Faridpur District

Faridpur District Representative >

Faridpur district like other districts of the country

National Hifjul Quran Competition-2023 organized by Bangladesh Religious Service Foundation. Audition completed.

Hafez students from different madrasas of Faridpur district participated in it. The audition started on Sunday morning at Markazul Abra Model Madrasa in Faridpur and continued till afternoon.

Hafez Quran students of different madrasas of Faridpur participated in this competition. At the end, Crest Award (Yescard) was distributed to three people for participating in the divisional stage.

Deputy Director of Islamic Foundation Faridpur was present as the chief guest at the award ceremony. Sahabuddin.

Hafez Maulana was present as a special guest. Sarwar Hussain, Hafez Maulana Mesbahuddin, Hafez Maulana. Yakub Hussain, Hafez Mufti Belayt Hussain, Hafez Maulana. Sakhawat Hossain, Hafez Maulana. Alam Hossain, Hafez Maulana. Abul Khair.

Markajun Noor Cadet Madrasa Faridpur Branch Director Hafez Qari was also present. Belal Madani, Markajun Noor Cadet Madrasa Banga branch director Hafez Habibur Rahman and others.

Three Crest Awards (Yescards) were awarded for participation in the divisional stage of the competition under the judgment of learned and competent judges.

The award was distributed by the deputy director of Islamic Foundation Faridpur. Faridpur district competition implementation committee members including Sahabuddin.

Hafez Muhammadullah Syed-Jamiul Quran Madrasa Faridpur Sadar Faridpur won the first place, Abdullah Al Sifat-Shamsul Quran Madrasa Sadar Faridpur won the second place, Muha won the third place. Emdadullah - Markajun Noor Cadet Madrasa Sadar, Faridpur.

Hafez Maulana spoke on behalf of the audition implementation committee in Faridpur district. Sakhawat Hussain (MSS). In his speech, he said, the one who has memorized the Holy Quran, he is stumbling, that is, (Ajiban should continue to try to follow and remember the Quran-Hadith) and the one who has not memorized is stumbling.

He also said that no one can memorize the Holy Quran without the mercy of Almighty Allah. I wish all the Hafez students who participated, including the three Hafez students who got the chance at the departmental level, a bright future for Quran.

Deputy Director of Islamic Foundation Faridpur. Sahabuddin said in his speech, all the big hafez in Bangladesh or the best hafez in the world have become in this way through competition. At first no one knows anyone. In this way, you have to grow up through competition, you have to become international, the world's best Hafez. Today those who have become fast, second, third have to do more mashak (practice). So that they can stay at the national level and maintain the reputation of Faridpur district.

He thanked the organizing committee of Hifzul Quran competition, all Hafez Quran who participated in the competition, teachers of Madrasas and all those present.

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