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Eid Purnamilani and Baisakhi Festival in Italy by Kasia, Grottarossavasi and Manikganj District Association

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

Eid Reunion Baisakhi Festival celebrated in the open field under the overall management of Manikganj District Association organized by Via Casia and Grottarosa residents in the capital of Italy with great enthusiasm.

Under the chairmanship of Rafiqul Islam Shahadat, under the joint management of Md. Rashid Mia and Rezaul Karim, Acting President of Bangladesh Association Italy and Manikganj District Association Italy President Nayeb Ali were present as chief guests. He requested prayers and cooperation from all for the establishment of the Baisakhi festival in the open field on a larger scale and the establishment of Islam in the diaspora as well as for the construction of a samjid in Via Cassia to spread the teachings of Islam easily among the growing generations.

Chief Advisor of Manikganj District Association Italy Nurul Islam Khan, Advisor Sharif Uddin, Honorable Member Mozammel Hossain Molla, General Secretary Zahirul Haque Chanchal, Vice President Md Fazlu, Bashir Uddin, Acting President of Bangla Press Club Italy Belal Hossain, Bangladesh were present as special guests. Atiqur Rahman Russell, Vice President of Pravasi Kalyan Parishad Italy, Afroza Akter Daisy, President of Pravas Kanthe Editorial Board, Mahila Samaj Kalyan Samity Italy Co-organizing Secretary Mehnas Tabbasum Shelley, prominent businessmen Meyaz Morshed Rajib, Sajal Sikder, Md Billal, Mosharraf Hossain, Yunus Molla, Saiful Top leaders of regional, social, political, cultural and journalistic organizations in Rome including Islam Bepari, Monir Hossain, Mamun Molla.

Leaders say: People's participation in the festival is increasing day by day. Along with that, everyone has brought various kinds of food from their respective homes. Here I actually feel like I am in Bangladesh. For a moment, forget the pressure of exile. Through such arrangements abroad, our culture will be easily known to the foreigners as well as the growing generations will get to know the culture and art of Bengal. The leaders urged the organizers to continue such events.

The venue was full with the presence of more than three hundred local expatriate Bengalis. Baisakhi food list includes sweet pies, hilsa, fish, rice, Rokmari Bharta. The arriving guests participate in the joyous festival with their families in red and white colored dresses. This is like a piece of Bangladesh in the land of expatriates.

Among the local diaspora, Ala Uddin Manik, Gaffar Hossain, Nazrul Islam, Kamal Hossain, Moktar Hossain, Zahirul Islam, Mitu Hossain, Poppy, Samia Akhter, Marine Sultana, Sanwara Shimu, Jannatul Naima Bithi, Fatema Islam, Maria, Poly , Mishti, Moni, Tanya and many more.

Organizers said: Eid Purnamilani and Baisakhi festival have been organized in the middle of people's work. The presence of a large number of people in the festival shows that Bengalis cherish and retain their traditions despite being busy abroad.

In the event, women's pillow games and various sports were organized with children and teenagers. And attractive prizes were distributed among the winners of the game by the invited guests

At the end, a wonderful cultural program was organized by local artists.

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