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Inauguration of the Provincial Office at La Spezia: CSN takes another step forward to provide assistance and legal services to expatriates

Minhaz Hussain Special Correspondent:

Inauguration of the Provincial Office at La Spezia of the Patronato INAPI, CAF Fenapi and CSN La Spezia: CSN takes another step forward to provide assistance and legal services especially to expatriates

Since many years, CSN Group has been continuously providing services to expatriates through legal, tax, consulting, immigration and advocacy services in order to improve the quality of CSN's service, CSN has inaugurated it's another Provincial office at La Spezia in Italy.

The official inauguration was held on 15th March 2023 by the presence of officials from the CSN Group and associations from various communities.

For all those who were unable to be there in the ceremony, they are again  invited on Saturday 18 March at 4.00 pm for an introductory meeting.

CSN founder Palash Hawladar, marketing consultant Shar Faraz Deen, CSN Milan manager Kamrul Islam Barsan were present as guests at the opening ceremony at the invitation of Provincial Head Office by Mrs. Akhi Soni and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Jamal Hossain under the direction of the CSN group. By the presence of  top management of the Fenapi group, the President of the Fenapi Group Carmelo Satta, the General Manager of Fenapi Giuseppe Bonura, the President of the Patranato Inapi Giuseppe De Luca, the Councilor of the Municipality of La Spezia Giulio Guerre and other members of the CSN Groups family.

On the occasion, Shar Faraz Deen, Marketing Advisor of CSN, declared: We are opening new affiliations as division offices throughout Italy in order to provide adequate assistance and legal advice to expatriates and improve the quality of our services. We will continue on this path.

Further, the founder of CSN, Palash Howladar said: Our aim through CSN is that, skilled and exparts practitioners and manage Patronato and CAF in different locations.

Thanks to the Fenapi Group to support and we have been able to start a new challenge in the hope and maintaining an excellent relationship with you, we thank you again for all the generous support that you have given us.

The event was attended by Fenapi, Inapi, including various Italian organizations in the sector.

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