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Europe's trusted, popular journalist organizer Bakul Khan

Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:

Bakul Khan has already earned the reputation of a trusted journalist by highlighting the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears of Bangladeshi expatriates in Spain and mainstream politics. By providing objective news in multiple print and electronic media, Bakul Khan has long been accepted and popular among Bangladeshi diaspora in Spain. His unassuming manners, sincerity, sweetness of speech above all personality attracts anyone at first acquaintance. He always tries to avoid regional divisions, conflicts, and is in close contact with all the people of the community, which is why he is known as a community-friendly journalist with community leaders in Madrid, Barcelona and other cities. Bakul Khan is a dynamic organizer with simple thinking spirit, commitment to duty, concentration in managing any event of the organization. Whose signature is the debut of Bangladesh Press Club and completed the successful conference of All European Bangla Press Club.

Bakul Khan, the representative of Bangladesh's popular television DBC, was serving as the Spain representative of ION Television broadcast from London from the beginning. At present, I ON TV authorities have appointed Bakul Khan as the special representative of Europe. Involved with Channel Europe since its inception

He is also the host of the talk show “Europ Katha” on ION TV. He previously represented Channel I from Spain.

Bakul Khan is serving as the general secretary of All European Bangla Press Club, a family of journalists in Europe. Elected two times as a member of the trust organization, his keen, charismatic organizational drive to keep every journalist family on the same platform has made his name branding.

He is working as the General Secretary of Bangladesh Press Club in Spain. As Bakul Khan is performing his duties in the field of objective journalism, he is also helping to increase the dignity of journalists by keeping mainstream journalists working in European Union countries united.

Bakul Khan was born in Sylhet on March 15, 1978. Although his ancestral home is in Sultanpur village of Kulaura Prithimpasa Union. Father Ershad Khan lived with his family in Sylhet due to his job. Bakul Khan was born in Chowhatra, Sylhet. Basically, the original house of Bakul Khans was the house of engineer Yakub Khan (known as Khan Bari) in Basuri village of Kulaura Hajipur Union.

Bakul Khan received primary education from Sylhet Darga Gate Primary School, secondary education from The Aided High School and higher education from Madan Mohan University. Participated in various basic training workshops on journalism in Bangladesh.

Bakul was not directly involved in student politics but was vocal in socio-economic development. He was involved in writing and social organization since childhood. While studying in class 9, he served as Education Secretary of Jalalabad Revolutionary Parishad Central Committee and Publicity Secretary of Sylhet Niloy Samaj Kalyan Sansthan. In 1998 he was the Student Affairs Secretary of Sylhet District Development Struggle Parishad Sylhet District Branch and in 1999 he was the elected General Secretary of Sylhet Welfare Association.

Mr. Bakul was also quite keen on sports. He played table tennis very well. He formed the Kulaura Table Tennis Players Association in 2003 and served as its convener.

In 1996 and 1997, he served as the special correspondent of Dainik Yugveri newspaper and the divisional editor of Sylhetbani Sahitya Pata Tarunya.

Moreover, in 1999, he joined the popular weekly Manav Address as a traveling representative of Kulaura, later as a staff reporter and later as a senior reporter. In 2005, first through England, France and then in Madrid, Spain, he is living permanently with his own family.

In 2005, he was an executive member of Kulaura Welfare Association in London and later was the International Affairs Secretary.

In 2011, he was the convenor and later the chief advisor of the Culaura Welfare Association Madrid Spain. Moreover, he served twice as a member of the advisory board of the Greater Sylhet Association.

Besides television journalism, Bakul Khan has been writing for many newspapers including the nationally popular Manavzamin, Dainik Prothom Alo, Jugantar, Manabkanth, Sangbad Pratidin. Journalism in diaspora is flourishing in his writings and Bengali speaking expatriates are getting united in unity.

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