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Dhali Nasir of Italy BNP warmly welcomed by leaders and activists at Rome airport after organizational visit to UK.

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

Italy BNP General Secretary Dhali Nasir Uddin, who is a struggling and capable general secretary, was warmly welcomed by the leaders of Italy BNP and its affiliated organizations when he arrived at Rome Sampino Airport after an organizational visit to the United Kingdom to strengthen the nationalist party BNP in an organizational manner.

In a short meeting at the airport, Dhali Nasir thanked and thanked the present leaders and specifically called on all BNP supporters to work together and communicate with the aim of forming a new committee of Italy BNP in the future.

At the time, BNP Vice President Sirajul Islam Mridha, Senior Joint General Secretary Shah Md Tauhid Quader, Rome Metropolitan BNP Organizing Secretary Mamun Bepari and BNP organs and affiliated organizations were present to welcome at the airport.

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