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Md. Rafiqul Islam, the Organizational Secretary of Maldives BNP wished Ramadan

Md. Al Amin representative of Maldives.

Worldwide Muslim Ummah celebrating holy month of Ramadan. In this month of self-restraint, worship and Siyam meditation, religious Muslims dedicate themselves to achieve the satisfaction of the great Allah

On this occasion, Md. Rafiqul Islam, the organizational secretary and bank official of the Maldives BNP and all the leaders and workers of the Organization, expressed his heartfelt greetings to all the migrants and Muslims around the world.

In a greeting message sent from Maldives by our Maldives representative "Ramadan is the month of Rahmat, Barkat and Magfirat. The reward of every good deed is multiplied this month. Self purification is possible through Siyam practice, which is one of the best ways of our afterlife liberation. ”

Bank official Mohammad Rafiqul Islam also said that the Holy Quran has been revealed in this glorious month, a guide for mankind. To the expatriates residing in Maldives, he urged to maintain peace and order in society by avoiding violence, hatred and immorality.

Also, urging the expatriate brothers to contribute to the country's economy by sending remittance in legal way, he said, "The teachings of Ramadan teaches us mutual empathy and empathy." Come, let us establish harmony and brotherhood in the society by using this education. "Finally, he wishes for the well-being of the country and the nation inspired by the glory of Ramadan and prays to bring peace and welfare to everyone's lives.

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