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Livestock exhibition held in Pirganj

Limon Sarkar (Thakurgaon) District Representative:

Under the theme "Smart Livestock, Smart Bangladesh" livestock exhibition was held in Thakurgaon.

In Pirganj. The exhibition was organized by Upazila Livestock Office and Veterinary Hospital in the premises of Upazila Livestock Office on Saturday. Upazila Awami League President spoke at the inaugural meeting in collaboration with Livestock and Dairy Development Project of Directorate of Livestock.

And former national parliament member Bir Muktijodha Imdadul Haque, Municipal Mayor Bir Muktijodha Ikramul Haque, Upazila Women Vice Chairman Bharti Rani Roy, Upazila Livestock Officer Ranjit Chandra Singh, Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Sohel Rana, successful farmer Faisal Alam etc. In the exhibition, 40 farmers from different areas of the upazila displayed their animals, birds, ducks, chickens. At the end prizes are distributed among the best farmers.

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