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Napoli Awami League organized a discussion meeting on what expatriates should do to bring Sheikh Hasina back to power

Shawon Ahmed Special Representative:

The leaders of the Italian Awami League Naples branch commented that there is no alternative to the Awami League government to continue the development of the country. Most of the people of the country and abroad want the Awami League government to come to power but some people of the country are conspiring against it. The meeting called on all the leaders and activists of Europe to speak out against this conspiracy.

Deputy President of Napoli Branch Awami League Wech Rahman Mansoor presided over the discussion meeting on the topic of expatriates to bring the current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to power, General Secretary of the organization Quddus Howladar spoke as the main speaker under the direction of Joint General Secretary Delwar Mohammad. Besides, vice president Zainal Abedin, organizing secretary Abu Yusuf, Musharraf Khalifa, joint general secretary Asad Sardar, Nannu Sardar, female editor Nazneen Akhtar, Shahidul Islam, Mohammad Shafiq and many others spoke.

In the meeting, newly elected president of Italian Awami League Mahtab Hossain and general secretary Alamgir Hossain, joint general secretary MA Rob Mintu and vice president of All European Awami League KM Lokman Hossain gave a directive speech through video call to encourage every city and divisional committee of Italy.

The leaders said that they should forget the conflict between themselves and work towards how to bring the Awami League back to power in the upcoming elections. Otherwise, the current trend of development will be disrupted and the country will go back hundreds of years.

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