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Italy celebrates 'National Constitution Day' with due dignity

Minhaj Hossain Special Representative:

Bangladesh Embassy, ​​Rome organized 'National Constitution Day' with due dignity. All the officials and employees of the embassy participated in this event. The activities of the program organized at the Embassy on the occasion of 'National Constitution Day' started by placing a wreath on the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali Father of the Nation. Then, in a function organized on the occasion of this special day, the officials of the embassy read the message given by the honorable president and the honorable prime minister. Thereafter, a discussion program was organized on the significance of 'National Constitution Day'.

Ambassador Mr. Md. Shamim Ahsan and embassy officials participated in the discussion program. The Ambassador said in his speech that the Constitution of Bangladesh is the supreme law of independent and sovereign Bangladesh, which was drafted under the leadership of our Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and with his solitary efforts. The importance of national constitution is immense in establishing democratic values ​​and rule of law. It is a rare event in the history of the world that the constitution was drafted and implemented in less than a year. The ambassador also said that our constitution is our pride and it is the moral responsibility of every citizen to keep its dignity intact. He also said that Bangabandhu not only gifted an independent country, he also gave a constitution at the earliest.

Other speakers on the occasion also highlighted the importance and significance of National Constitution Day and expressed determination to uphold the dignity of the National Constitution in establishing democratic values ​​and rule of law.

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