Fuyala conference at Babunagar Madrasa on Monday 17th May
Nurul Kabir Arman,
Special Representative:
Jamia Islamia Azizul Uloom Babunagar, one of the best religious educational institutions in the country, which is the flag bearer of Deobandi consciousness, is going to enter its 20th centenary year. On this occasion, Jamia authorities will organize a centenary conference on January 4, 5 and 6, 2023 in the current academic year in the presence of local and foreign, international Islamic scholars and ulama-mashayekh.
A "Fuyala Conference" will be held on Monday 17th May, 2022 at Jamia premises in order to implement the centenary conference smoothly.
Muhtaram Director General of Jamia Babun Nagar Allama Shah Muhibullah Babungari has called upon all the faragins of Jamia to participate and make the "Fuyala Conference" a success. Thousands of Jamia Faragins from home and abroad will participate in it - Inshallah.
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