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Fees may increase in cluster admission test: JnU Vice-chancellor


Abu Hanif, JnU Correspondent:

The application fee for the admission test for the 2021-22 academic year of 22 general and science and technology universities in the cluster may be increased. After a meeting of the Vice-Chancellors' Committee on Admission Tests at Jagannath University on Friday (May 27), the joint convener of the committee and Vice-Chancellor of Jagannath University Prof. Dr. Md. Imdadul Haque.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Md. Imdadul Haque said on his mobile phone that the price of all the items is higher now after Corona. Considering everything, the application fee for cluster admission test may increase. Besides, we will discuss in the next meeting whether the examination can be taken before the decision was taken to take the examination from 3rd September. Exam date and fee will be decided in the next meeting on 30th May.

He also said that there is no need to pay the fee by applying to the university separately this year. To alleviate the suffering of the students, the university will be selected on the basis of the results like the medical admission test.

He added that last time there were many test centers to choose from. But this time a university has to be chosen. The university will decide how to take the exam on their campus. The university will consider so that the students do not suffer.


Meanwhile, when asked about giving university choice, he said, earlier maximum five university choices could be given. This time the students will be able to give the choice of all the universities including the additional universities.

Asked if there is an opportunity to take the exam for the second time at Jagannath University this time, the Vice-Chancellor said, "Yes, the students are getting the opportunity to take the exam for the second time at Jagannath University this year."

The universities are: Jagannath University (Dhaka), Islamic University (Kushtia), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Sylhet), Khulna University (Khulna), Haji Mohammad Danesh University of Science and Technology (Dinajpur), Maulana Bhasani University of Science and Technology (Tangail). , Noakhali University of Science and Technology (Noakhali), Comilla University (Comilla), National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University (Mymensingh), Jessore University of Science and Technology (Jessore), Begum Rokeya University (Rangpur), Pabna University of Science and Technology (Pabna) , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University of Science and Technology (Gopalganj), Barisal University (Barisal), Rangamati University of Science and Technology (Rangamati), Rabindra University, Bangladesh (Sirajganj), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University (Gazipur), Sheikh Hasina University ( Netrokona), Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University of Science and Technology (Jamalpur), Patuakhali University of Science and Technology University (Patuakhali), Kishoreganj University of Science and Technology and Chandpur University of Science and Technology.

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