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Discussion meeting in Guimara to prevent terrorism and militancy and to solve social problems


Abul Hossain Ripon, Guimara, Khagrachhari

In Guimara, a discussion meeting was held at Guimara Upazila level on Islam and Our Duties to Prevent Terrorism and Militancy and Resolve Social Problems.

In the discussion meeting organized by Islamic Mission, Islamic Foundation, under the supervision of Dr. Munmun Sultana, Head of Islamic Mission, Hafez Md. Maulana Osman Gani, Imam and Khatib of Guimara Mosque, Maulana Yusuf Khan, Muhtamim Maulana Yusuf Khan of Guimara Nurani Madrasa, Maulana Abul Kashem and Nurul Alam, teachers of Guimara Mosque were also present.

Speakers at the discussion said that Islam means peace. Where Islam is the religion of peace, Islam never supports militancy or terrorism. The speakers further said that the students of the madrasa always read about the Qur'an and Hadith, teaching them prayers, morality and being ideal citizens.

Madrasa education is very important to be an ideal citizen.

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