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Distribution of honorary mementos and prizes among Qaumi students in Comilla


 Nurul Kabir Arman, Special Representative:

 Comilla Meghna Upazila Qawmi Madrasa Education Board has distributed honorary mementos and prizes among the students who have passed the merit list in the annual examination in the academic year 2020-21.

Today (October 31) at 3 pm in a meeting held at the premises of Satani Ashraful Uloom Madrasa in the upazila, honorary mementos and awards were distributed.

Meghna Upazila Qawmi Madrasa Education Board President Maulana Altaf Hossain

Chairman of Meghna Upazila Parishad Alhaj Saifullah Mia Ratan Sikder, Acting Officer of Meghna Police Station Abdul Majid, Vice Chairman of Meghna Upazila Milon Sarkar and Chairman of Chandanpur Union Parishad Ahsanullah (Master) were present as chief guests on the occasion.

 Senior Vice President of Meghna Upazila Qawmi Madrasa Maulana Abdul Hai Abbasi, Maulana Kamruzzaman, Vice President Maulana Mahbubur Rahman Nazarpuri, General Secretary Maulana Fazlul Karim Farooqi, Joint General Secretary Maulana. Maulana Idris Ali Rationalist, Maulana Akhter Hossain, Controller of Examinations Mufti Abu Saeed, Organizing Secretary Maulana Borhan Uddin, Publicity Secretary Maulana Abu Musa Ashrafi, Office Secretary Maulana Kamal Hossain and other responsible officials of the Board of Education were present.

Speakers at the event said that Qawmi madrasas are institutions for making good citizens. Qaumi students are increasing the country's reputation in the country and abroad. A class of people is spreading confusion by opposing Qawmi Madrasa and Qawmi education. The speakers urged the people of the country not to listen to these propaganda and to continue their overall cooperation with the Qawmi Madrasas.

The speakers further said that Meghna Upazila Qawmi Madrasa Education Board is a regional board. This board is working relentlessly to improve the quality of education in the Qawmi madrasas of Meghna upazila. Today's awarding of honorary mementos and distribution of prizes among the students will encourage the students to do well in the coming days. The board will continue this trend in the future inshallah.

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