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Siratunnabi (sa.) Mahfile challenge. Abu Reza Nadvi MP- "Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and harmony


 Nurul Kabir Arman, Special Representative

Chittagong 15 Satkania-Lohagara constituency Member of Parliament, International Islamic Scholar Professor. Abu Reza Muhammad Nezamuddin Nadvi said that the 19-day Siratunnabi (sa) mahfil initiated by Asheke Rasul Hazrat Shah Maulana Hafez Ahmad (ra) Prakash Shah Saheb Chunti has been recognized as a meeting place for prophet-loving Muslims in the region. The reputation of this group has spread beyond the borders of the country to the international arena.

MP Nadvi said that the discussion on the subject of wise scholars and Islamic scholars started from this gathering. Describing his late father Allama Fazlullah (Rah.) As the epitome of the thematic program of this mahfil, he said that he used to conduct the mahfil with the help of specialized scholars considering the needs of the age and time. Dr. Abu Reza Nadvi MP said Milad and Sirat are two Arabic words. Milad means birth and Sirat means biography. The mahfil entitled Siratunnabi (peace be upon him) does not discuss the biography of Rasulullah Pak (peace be upon him) except the biography but discusses the whole biography from birth, the importance and teaching of which is very important for every Muslim. Dr. Abu Reza Nadvi further said that Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and harmony. Islam, the religion of peace, never recognizes violence, brutality and killing of innocent people. Islam does not allow us to go on the path of unrest if there is a peaceful path. He called for presenting the religion of Islam, which is recognized as a perfect way of life, in the manner followed by the Prophet Karim (peace be upon him).

He said the above while addressing as the chief guest on the 17th day of the 51st Siratunnabi (PBUH) mahfil of the historic 19-day Chunti of Lohagara upazila on Wednesday, November 3, 2021.

The keynote speaker was Allama Hafizur Rahman Siddique Kuakata of internationally renowned Mufachir. In his keynote address, Allama Hafizur Rahman Siddique Kuakata said that the life of the grave is basically a barren life with various quotations from the Qur'an and Hadith on his prescribed subject "Grave life and grave in the grave". And barzakh is the two lives — that is, creating a gap between this world and the Hereafter. Barzakh is the time from death to resurrection. Whether the corpse is buried, cremated, submerged, an animal eats the corpse or something else — everything is part of the life of the grave. He said that when a person dies, he enters the barracks and stays there until the resurrection. Therefore, in the light of the Qur'an and Hadith, it is very easy to conclude that the torment begins for the sinners from the grave or barzakhi life, just as the special blessings of Allah are bestowed on the righteous from the grave or barzakhi life.

Mia Muhammad Ismail Manik, president of the governing body of Chunti Hakimiya Kamil Madrasa, eminent ulama-mashayekh, senior officials of the local administration and various public representatives were present at the mahfil.

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