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International Immigrant Day and National Immigrant Day celebrated at Bangladesh High Commission in Maldives.

 Md. Al Amin representative of Maldives.

Just like every year still through lots of enthusiasm and enthusiasm

International Immigrant Day is being celebrated on 18 December. Originally: This day is celebrated across the world to ensure the dignity and rights of millions of immigrants who leave homes for better lives and ensure their families. Bangladesh High Commission Maldives celebrated International Immigrant Day and National Immigrant Day 2024 today. On the occasion of the day, the discussion program was organized in the hallroom of the High Commission. Hon'ble Acting High Commissioner Mr. Md. Sohail Parvez was present as the Chief Guest in the program. Mission Receptionist Miz Aishath Asravi started the program with the recitation of the Holy Quran. So on the occasion of International Immigrant Day and National Immigrant Day read the quotes sent by His Excellency President, Hon'ble Chief Advisor, Expatriate Welfare & Foreign Employment Advisor, Foreign Advisor, Home Administrative Officer Miz Shirin Farzana, Welfare Assistant Mr. Al Mamun Pathan, Consular Assistant Mr. Moynal Hossain and Messenger Mr. Abu Rayhan.

In the discussion session, prominent expatriate businessman and Maldives BNP president Mr. Khalilur Rahman and general secretary of the Maldives Rights Council Maldives branch Mohammad Al Amin. In their statement they requested to ensure the facilities of the expatriates residing in Maldives and extend heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all the immigrant workers and their families. Also speakers focus on local law abiding. A video sent from the ministry later on the occasion of the day.

Businessman Mohammad Alamgir Shikdar, adviser Md. Dulal Hossain, president of the Maldives branch of the Expatriate Rights Council was present in the discussion meeting. Md. Farooq Hossain Md. Shah Alam, Md. Md. Shah Alam, the Maldives BNP.

A cake cut with guests to celebrate the day. The High Commissioner in charge of the Chief Guest's speech wishes all the expatriates on the narrated day. He agrees with various demands raised by expatriates. He respectfully remembers the contribution of the immigrant Bangladeshis in the great war of freedom. He also requested everyone to reside with respect through proper visa following the laws of Maldives. He expressed his hope to work together to build a new developed Bangladesh without discrimination. Finally the program concludes with a treat to the guests.

Expatriate Bangladeshi and all the officers of High Commission were present in the program.

A futsal tournament is also organized as part of the celebration of International Immigrant Day and National Immigrant Day.

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