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People's lives are suffering in intense heat: Faridpur's breaking rains cry for rain

Md. Sakhawat Hossain,Faridpur District Representative>

There is no rain and intense heat throughout the country. Praying for rain and supplicating to Almighty Allah is going on in different parts of the country.

In continuation of this, on Monday morning, the local Muslims prayed to God for rain along with Madrasa students and teachers, Bhanga market traders and local residents in the traditional Eidga Madrasa and Markaz Mosque grounds of Bhangar in Faridpur. Before this, hundreds of Muslims performed Salatul Istiska prayer.

Muhaddis of Madrasah Mufti Hossain Ahmed Sirajganji led the prayer. Ignoring the extreme heat, hundreds of worshipers are seen crying to God for rain with tears in their eyes.

It echoes

O Allah, please forgive the sinful servants by the means of Your Habib and send rain of mercy.

Hafez Maulana in this regard. Sakhawat Hussain said, we all ask forgiveness of our sins in the court of Allah and pray for rain with crying voice. May Allah forgive us and grant us rain of mercy by removing all the troubles of heaven and earth.

Meanwhile, the temperature in Bhanga of Faridpur was seen up to 42 degrees Celsius.

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