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Two persons were arrested with a foreign pistol and two rounds of bullets in Joypurhat

Mashiur Rahman Khan, Jaipurhat

Detective Branch (DB) members of the District Police have arrested two persons with a foreign pistol and two rounds of bullets in Panchbibi of Joypurhat.

On Saturday (July 22) afternoon, they were arrested with pistols and bullets from West Balighata T&T neighborhood of Panchbibi town area.

District Intelligence Branch (DB) in-charge Mr. Shahed Al Mamun confirmed the matter.

The arrested are Md. Sujan Hossain (35) son of deceased Abdur Rashid of Madhyabasudebpur station neighborhood of Hakimpur upazila of Dinajpur district and Zainal Abedin Liton (32) son of deceased Abdul Haque of the same area.

OC said, based on secret information, it is known that two arms dealers are waiting with pistols and bullets in Panchbibi Municipal area for the purpose of sale. Under the direction of Jaipurhat District Special Superintendent of Police Mr. Mohammad Noore Alam Mahoda, the members of District Intelligence Branch (DB) raided and arrested two with a foreign pistol and two rounds of bullets.

A case under Arms Act has been filed against the two arrested accused at Panchbibi police station.

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