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Italy Awami League press conference in Rome: BNP Jamaat's lies and propaganda strongly condemned and protested

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

Watching a video image on social media centered on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's civic reception in Rome, behind which was the ghost of Mostak, who was killing the party, said the organization's general secretary Md Alamgir Hossain in a written statement at a press conference organized by the Italian Awami League.

In this press conference organized in the hall of a local restaurant in Rome last Thursday, the president of the organization, freedom fighter Mahtab Hossain said, "In an attempt to keep the party ranks in a dictatorship, insulting the organizational and structural system, they purposely shouted fake in the event, which was pre-planned. They wanted Italy. To undermine the reputation of Awami League and increase party disharmony."

They confirmed that no slogans were given against PM in the program, it is basically a lie and propaganda of BNP Jamaat which is just an attempt to spread confusion among the common people by capitalizing on it.

In a written statement, Italy Awami League strongly condemned and protested against such base activities and announced to take organizational measures very quickly from the organization.

All European Awami League organizing secretary GM Kibria, KM Lokman Hossain, Hosne Ara Kibria, Abu Saeed Khan and leaders of other organs and allied organizations were also present at this time.

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