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The Hindu Puja Celebration Parishad conducted a procession of Shanti Shakti Rath in a colorful arrangement in Italy

Minhaj Hossain Special Correspondent:

Rath Yatra was celebrated in Italy with grand ceremony. Sri Sri Jagannathdev's Rath Yatra Festival is one of the religious events of Sanatana Dharmalambi. According to traditional custom, Jagannathdev's chariot journey begins every year on the second tithi of the Shukla Paksha of Chandra Ashadha. The Rath Yatra Festival of Sri Sri Jagannath Dev was organized for eight days in a joyful atmosphere with colorful processions and various religious events. A fusion of diversity, not only in the capital Rome, but throughout Italy, the enthusiasm of orthodox religious people is seen around this Rath Yatra.

In continuation of that, a colorful chariot procession was held on Tuesday, June 20, organized by the Hindu Puja Celebration Council in Rome, the capital of Italy. The procession winds its way through the streets of Tarpinattara, a Bengali-dominated area of Rome, converging at the local Lalon Park and returning to the Sri Sri Universal Hindu Puja Temple.

Devotees of Jagannath Dev of all ages started gathering in Rath Yatra which started on Tuesday afternoon at 6:00 PM. Sri Sri Sarvajanin Hindu Puja Temple was bustling with devotees. Jagannath Dev's chariot moves forward with the rush of devotees. Hundreds of people of all religions stood on the side of the road and witnessed the Rath Yatra festival of Shri Srijagannath Dev, one of the religious events of Sanatana Dharmalambi.

On the occasion of the auspicious Rath Yatra, Hindu Puja Celebration Parishad President Sanjib Debnath, General Secretary Sukumar Barman and all the leaders of the organization said that the eight-day program includes Harinam Sankirtan, Agnihotra Yajna in Vishwa Shanti and Mangal Kamana, distribution of Maha Prasad, discussion meeting, procession, Aarti Kirtan, cultural programs, enjoyment Various arrangements with submissions. At that time, the leaders said that the Sanatan religionists believe that Jagat is the world and Nath is God. So Jagannath Dev is Nath or Adhiswara of the world. By receiving the blessings of Lord Jagannath Dev, people get liberation. Fasting and taking part in the Chariot with a pure mind leads to liberation from sins and fulfillment of desires. They also said that on the occasion of Rath Yatra, special arrangements have been made for evening Aarti, Naam Sankirtan, Bhog Nibedan, Mahaprasad every evening till June 28. And on the 28th the Rath Yatra festival of Sri Sri Jagannathdev will conclude with the Rath Yatra.

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