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Newly elected President of Faridpur Journalist Union Sheikh Faiz Secretary Dilip

Md. Sakhawat Hossain,Faridpur District Representative:

First general meeting and executive council election of Faridpur Journalist Union (Great Liberation War)- 2023 AD. held

President Sheikh Faiz Ahmed and general secretary Dilip Chandra were elected. Last (May 27) at 5 pm, this election was held at Avlum Cafeteria Auditorium in Jhiltuli of Faridpur city.

The convener of Faridpur Journalist Union and former acting president of Faridpur Press Club, Sheikh Faiz Ahmed, spoke in the first part of the general meeting, Faridpur representative of Dainik Khabar. Abul Hossain Azad, Aminul Islam Babu, Faridpur correspondent of Daily Observer, Wali Newaz Babu, news editor of Bangla Sangbad, Dilip Chand, Faridpur correspondent of Daily Bangla71, Anisur Rahman, Faridpur correspondent of Global Television, Charbhadrasan correspondent of Daily Manabzamin, Monir Hossain Pintu etc.

In the second (election) phase, 21 general members unanimously elected the Executive Council for the next 3 years. The newly elected executive council members are, president Sheikh Fayez Ahmed (Dainik Navchetna), vice-president respectively. Abul Hossain Azad (Daily News), Aminur Islam Babu (Daily Observer) and Wali Newaz Babu (Bangla News), General Secretary Dilip Chand (Dainik Bangla71), Joint General Secretary Md. Haider Ali Khan (Dainik Ajker Prabhat), Organizing Secretary Anisur Rahman (Global Television), Treasurer Khandkar Kamal Hossain (Dainik Deshjagat), Information and Technical Affairs Secretary Md. Saddam Hossain (Dainik Alokit Pratidin), Office Editor Sabuj Das (Borer Runner), Executive Member Niranjan Mitra (Dainik Desh), Munsi Sumon (Dainik Bangladesh), Md. Atiyar Rahman (Dainik Bangladesh Time), Monir Hossain Pintu (Dainik Manzamin). and Kabir Hossain (daily morning paper) etc.

Meanwhile, the organizing secretary of the Central Committee of Bangladesh Hero Freedom Fighters Command. Sakhawat Hossain in a message congratulated and wished all the members including the newly elected president, general secretary of "Faridpur Journalist Union".

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